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What is specific skill?

Specific skills

specific skills

Specified Skills (Specific Skills) is a system that allows foreign workers in Japan to prove that they have skills in specific occupations and to allow them to work in Japan. The Specified Skilled Worker System was implemented in 2019 with the aim of resolving Japan's labor shortage and accepting foreign workers, especially in low-wage occupations.

Specific industrial fields (14 fields)

Protection/Building cleaning/Materials industry/Industrial machinery manufacturing industry/Electrical/electronic information related industry/Construction/Shipbuilding/Marine industry/
Automobile maintenance/aviation/accommodation/agriculture/fishing/food and beverage manufacturing/restaurant industry

Specific skill No. 1

(Implementation of legally stipulated support is essential)
A status of residence for foreign nationals who engage in work that requires skills that require a considerable degree of knowledge or experience in a specific industrial field.

Specified skill No. 2

Status of residence for foreigners engaged in work requiring skilled skills in specific industrial fields

Specific skill foreigner
When it comes to human resources in Asia
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