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About this site

This website is operated by the Japan Foreign Workers Promotion Organization (JFA). We would like to explain the matters you should understand when using this website.


Copyright and Trademark Rights

The documents, photographs, etc. on this website (hereinafter referred to as "content") are protected by copyrights held by the Japan Foreign Workers Promotion Organization (hereinafter collectively referred to as "our company") and third parties. The content may not be adapted, publicly transmitted, or used for any other purpose without the permission of the copyright holder.


The rights to the trademarks, logos, and trade names posted on this website belong to our company or the respective rights holders. Use of these without our company's permission is prohibited by the Trademark Act and other laws, except as permitted by the Trademark Act and other laws. Please contact us in advance to obtain permission.



The Company may change or delete the content or URL on this website without prior notice. Any information on this website does not necessarily reflect the latest information. In addition, the operation of the content on this website may change without prior notice. The Company shall not be held liable for any damages arising from these.


Our company may change the site policy without notice. In that case, please note that the changed site policy will apply.


Regarding personal information

This site fulfills its corporate responsibility regarding the protection of personal information, and has established "Personal Information Protection Guidelines" to ensure that the site is safe and trustworthy for everyone. We will strictly manage the personal information that we receive, but below we will explain how we will handle your personal information in detail, after collecting and using it.


Scope of purpose of use of personal information

Your Personal Information

Customers may contact us via our website. In such cases, the personal information we receive from customers will, in principle, only be used for the following purposes. In cases not specified below, we will inform you of the purpose of use when we receive your personal information. In addition, if we inform you of the following purposes of use when we receive your personal information, we will use it only within the scope of the purpose of use that we have notified you of.


- Type: Inquiry/Survey

- Purpose of use: Responding to opinions and questions, providing information on services, etc., and compiling various statistical data


Person responsible for personal information

Hereinafter collectively referred to as "our company"

Managing Director: Giri Saros


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