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About Japan Foreign Talent Promotion Organization (JFR)

Japan's working population is being affected by factors such as a declining birthrate and an aging population, and it is self-evident that economic activity can no longer be sustained without the help of foreigners.
The purpose of this program is to support foreigners who come to Japan with a sense of longing, devote themselves to their studies, and become integrated into Japanese society, so that they can live in peace for a long time. Even in these days when internationalization is said to be progressing, there are still many cases where Japanese customs are troublesome for foreigners, and domestic accepting organizations are also confused. In order to solve such problems, it is very important to clarify the intentions of the foreigners themselves.
Therefore, we provide support for foreigners who have just arrived in Japan, as well as support, education, and consultation for foreigners who wish to work in Japan.

The executives are made up of both Japanese and foreigners, and the organization is run by consensus. The presence of foreign executives makes it possible to identify the various needs of foreigners living in Japan, and by comparing them with the practices of Japanese society, we are able to provide accurate solutions. We intend to grow together with foreigners as an organization that can provide peace of mind to foreigners who come to Japan with hope and live here. We believe that supporting foreigners, providing them with a safe and secure life in Japan, and making this fact known to foreigners living in Japan will increase Japan's presence in a globalized world. We hope to support the establishment of useful foreign human resources in Japan and contribute to the development of the Japanese economy.

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Our Services

Support business for foreigners

As of May 1, 2021, there are 242,444 international students in Japan. However, one thing that bothers these international students is the "employment barrier." It is said that more than 60% of them hope to find employment in Japan after graduating from school, but the employment rate is still low, and there is a considerable gap between this situation and the "seller's market" where the employment rate for all domestic university students is over 95%.

In response to the current situation of international students, we are developing an "employment support business." By holding "employment support seminars" and "study sessions on residence status" during the student's time at school, we aim to help as many international students as possible to visualize their future careers.

Support for foreigners' daily life

We believe that supporting foreigners and providing them with a safe and secure life in Japan, and informing foreigners living in Japan of this fact, will increase Japan's presence in an increasingly globalized world. We hope to help valuable foreign human resources settle in Japan and contribute to the development of the Japanese economy.


Our goal is to be of service to foreigners who wish to live a stable life in Japan. We provide consultations, interviews, and support, education, and consultations for foreigners who wish to live and work in Japan. We aim to be a service that can solve problems that may arise in private life as internationalization progresses. Our goal is to help people improve their communication skills, understand business etiquette, choose a job, and solve problems at the workplace. We also have a strong awareness that the growth of the company is our responsibility.


一般社団法人日本外国人材振興機構 (JFR)

Japan Foreign Human Resources Development Organization


Shinagawa East One Tower 4F, 2-16-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo


TEL: 03-6890-3936

FAX : Under construction


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Japan Foreign Human Resources Development Organization


Shinagawa East One Tower 4F, 2-16-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo

TEL: 03-6890-3936

FAX : Under construction



​Contact us


Japan Foreign Human Resources Development Organization

Tokyo, Minato-ku, Shinbashi, 1-12-9 Shinbashi Place 8F


TEL: 03-6281-4753

FAX: 03-6281-4754


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